UVC HarvestFest Fundraiser 2022
Tax deductible
You can make a difference by donating today to Unity Village Chapel.
How does UVC lift you up so you can go do amazing work in the world? What is your ripple in the world? UVC is home to so many incredible souls. By supporting UVC, you support our community of amazing people doing wonderful things in the world. Share your story and read the stories of the soul beside you. #shareyourstory #bewhattheworldcraves #whatisyourripple
We are an open and affirming spiritual community. Our mission is to inspire growth and abundant living. We are here to help people connect with their authentic Self and learn practical spiritual tools such as meditation, affirmation and prayer for more health, prosperity, happiness and peace.
If you would like to give via mail, we will manually add your contributions to this GoFundMe. Please send your check for Unity Village Chapel with the memo “HarvestFest Fundraiser” to:
Unity Village Chapel
600 Unity Way
Lee's Summit, MO 64086
*Your contribution will be manually added to the GoFundMe total as anonymous, so if you would like your name posted with your contribution, please note that with a note on your check.
Unity Village Chapel