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Jesse Lund's Cancer Fundraiser

Donativo protegido
As most of you know and those that don't, my brother has recently been laid up in the hospital pending the results of the mass that was found in his right lung.  In late October he developed bronchitis and was not getting any better and later turned into what they thought was pnuemonia.  After an MRI was finally done because he was not getting better they found the mass and found out the fluid was on the outside of his lungs. On monday, November 2nd, they drained the fluid and the next day he had his biopsy done to obtain a sample what the mass is but they didnt get a big enough piece to know what it is so they had to do a mediastinoscopy yesterday, November 9th. Results will take a few days to see what it is.

Michelle has been at his side this whole time supporting him while in the hospital and grandma has been looking after the kids.  As you can imagine...or know, hospital stays aren't cheap and with no one working, bills are adding up.  If you can donate ANYTHING at all please do!  Helping lift the financial burden during this time would be grately appreciated by their family.

Thank you,

His brother Wesley


  • Anónimo
    • 100 $
    • 9 años
  • Anónimo
    • 50 $
    • 9 años
  • Phil & Kathie Omundson
    • 50 $
    • 9 años
  • Rev. and Mrs. John Lingen
    • 50 $
    • 9 años
  • Jeanne Meyer
    • 50 $
    • 9 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Wes Lund
Franklin, MN
Jesse Lund
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