Help Graeme After Trauma And See His Daughter
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Hello, my name is Alex. I am a storyteller who has been sharing the stories of people in my home city of Brighton in England for the last 3 years on the Instagram page @humansofbrightonandhove. Recently on one of my walkabouts around Brighton, I met Graeme. A 60 year old homeless man (though the word gentleman would be more apt to describe him), who has been living on Brighton's streets for 18 weeks. After recounting to me his difficult upbringing of being a neglected child and how he's never understood the word love because he never received it, Graeme revealed the one shining light in his life that keeps him going - his daughter. This is what he had to say:
"When my daughter was born I wanted to give her everything I could possibly give her, so she would not suffer like I did. So I went to work. Provided. Did everything. But my wife was different. She still drank a lot and would put my daughter down and because I’d been neglected as a child I couldn’t stand seeing my little girl being hurt that way. So when I left my wife, my daughter came with me. We’d go camping a few times a year. Those were the times that stay with me. Our times alone together in Ashurst, Hollands Wood and Brockenhurst. We’d just do our own thing. Light our campfire, make our own little dinner and watch the stars together. We even got matching tattoos. She's got one in exactly the same place. She'll always be daddy's girl. But…I miss her. Because I've got nowhere to go. And I've been so careful for her not to find out this is what's become of dad. But now I've had enough. It's time to share my story. I've been in Brighton for 18 weeks. In the first weeks, whilst I was sleeping in a doorway, I was set upon. They broke my nose and knocked out some teeth. I left the hospital with four fractures to my face. It's still all numb. Because of the way they broke my nose, my breathing isn't good. And they took everything I had. Even the watch on my arm. I don't understand that behaviour. I'm a 60 year old man. I was asleep. Where is the respect? Where is respect for your elders? I'm a traditional man. I don't even swear. And I'm always looking to help people. I carry an extra sleeping bag if somebody needs it. When they thank me profusely, I'll tell 'em, 'Stop yapping and get some sleep.' Maybe that's my problem. I still look after others more than I look after myself. I just want to work again. But I have no address. No accommodation. They told me it could take another 6 months. How will I make it that long? After what's already happened to me? Every night my life is on the line. The only thing that keeps me going is dreaming of holding my daughter again. That's all that keeps me going now. To hold daddy's girl."
How You Can Help
From my interview with Graeme, it was apparent that Graeme required urgent intervention to help him rest, heal and recover from his ordeals on the street. With the donations raised, I would like to put the fund towards the following:
- Allow Graeme to spend 6 months to recover in a private rented house where he can heal from his trauma, wash, keep warm and eat hot food especially as winter approaches. The place will also be a place for him to call home, where he can spend quality time with his daughter without feeling inferior or ashamed of his situation. Afterall, as he said, "I have no door. People can walk in whenever they like. Treat me however they want." The funds will allow Graeme to live in a safe and secure place, whilst his accomodation request, which is still 6 months away, goes on. Having accomodation will also give Graeme an address which will make it easier for him to find work to help lift him out of homelesseness long-term.
- Bring dignity to Graeme's life by introducing him to a dentist who will install dental implants which will allow him to chew better and ease the emotional distress of losing teeth to physical assault. In the UK, dental implants often have to be paid privately. A single tooth implant in the UK costs in the region of £2,000.
- Allow Graeme to buy his own food and clothes to sustain him for the next 6 months.
With your support and generosity, I believe we can make a marked difference in Graeme's quality of life. And show him that despite the great trauma he has been through in life, he is respected and loved for the man and devoted father he is.
I have Graeme's e-mail address and know his location in the city, so I will be in regular touch with him as the fundraiser builds momentum. I'll also share his journey through updates with his dental care treatment/accomodation etc.
Thank you for your time in reading Graeme’s story, and offering any help that you can.

Alex J