Help our mom fight cancer
Donation protected
Hello everyone my name is Melanie Hurtado, I’m nineteen and I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas to a big crazy loving family. Being the most loving and sweetest of us all, the heart of the family has always been my mother’s mom, and my grandma Mari Martinez, which is why my family and I seek help to aid her. In 2011 my grandma Mari was diagnosed with breast cancer. Watching her go through chemo brought extremely foreign emotions to us all, nonetheless, It was a disheartening time period for the family. Though, we are extraordinarily grateful to be able to say that the treatment worked in our favor after she put up what we thought would be her most difficult battle. Unfortunately, it aches me to say that two months ago, it seemingly returned, and my grandma was diagnosed with cancer once again. Only this time, stage four, being much worse and more concerning than the last. Having spread to numerous regions in her body, and in constant pain and discomfort, our family brought her home in order to enroll her in a treatment program in Juarez where she is given B17 Iv therapy to keep her body as healthy and stable as possible with hopes of alleviating her symptoms and elongating her time with us. My aunt is currently housing her and transports her over the border four times a week in order to get her to her treatment. The constant traveling back and forth weighs down heavily on my grandma’s body, forcing it to work twice as hard, and leaving the treatment to have a loss of effects. In specific, we are raising funds in immense hopes to be able to afford housing for her at the medical center so she can receive her therapy free of stress and strain. Any donations would be a great help, abundantly appreciated, and forever engraved within our hearts.
Love and prayers,
the Martinez family
Cynthia Hurtado
El Paso, TX