Robert Taylor
Donation protected
Dear LHS Alumni, Class of ’76, Friends & Family:
One of my high school classmates, Tina Taylor, reached out to me for help. You may have seen this last spring where she posted on Facebook that her older brother Robert had died. The coroner took a few weeks to notify her as next of kin. Tina has a protective order in place with the courts (past abusive relationship) and that’s why it took 3 weeks to contact her. The story is long and sad. The county had his remains cremated and he was scheduled to be buried in a pauper’s grave before Tina was notified.
Her parents have a grave site at Holy Cross Cemetery on Brookpark Rd. in Cleveland. Tina has no funds to inter her brother’s remains and no family to help her. She has an autoimmune disease and lives on a fixed income. She has reached out to the Catholic church regarding any funds for indigent burials and has received no help. She also asked a few friends for help to set up a Go Fund Me plan and they never followed through. She asked if I could help her—so here we are.
As a practicing Catholic, Tina would like her brother to be laid to rest with his parents. I have researched the costs, spoken to the Cemetery representatives and have found out it takes just under $5,000 to open the grave, place the cremated remains in a concrete box (State regulations), close the grave and place a stone marker. I asked about a smaller bronze marker, but the cemetery requires stone as the bronze marker would be stolen.
I’d respectfully request that you’d consider helping lay Robert to rest and allow Tina the comfort of knowing her brother can rest in peace. If you wish to see the breakdown of costs or I can answer any questions, please call me. Once funds are raised, I will coordinate his interment and pay for it from this effort. I’m in for the first $50.
This is the Season of Giving and I’m hoping you might consider a donation-no matter how small. Finally, I hope each and everyone who reads this message has a safe and wonderful Holiday season with your family and friends. I thank you in advance for considering my request.
Michael McSweeney
Cleveland, OH