Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

Davis House Fire

Don protégé
On May 20th at 12:09 am the Davis family woke up to the sound of fire detectors going off in their home.  When realizing their home was on fire, they quickly grabbed their little boy and stuggled to get out of their flamed and smoke filled home.  Thanking God everyone was safe, they watched their home burn.  

Rachel, Robert and Jackson are now getting ready to start the cleaning process, along with the healing process of losing their home.  Sadly, they did not have renters insurance so all belongings in the home are a loss and will have to be replaced out of their pocket. Also Rachel is a school teacher, and she is out of sick/personal leave so these next few days her paycheck will be docked.

We are starting this GoFunMe account to help the family with expenses they would not normally expect and to replace items in their home.  

Thank you for supporting this wonderful family in their time of need!
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    • 50 $
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    • 20 $
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    • 100 $
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    • 20 $
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    • 20 $
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Amber Chapman
Republic, MO
Rachel Davis

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