Welcome Y27 - Yonsei Basketball Association
Tax deductible

Through your support, we have organized 27 years of teams including 600 players and thousands of family members that have traveled to cities throughout Japan including Shibata, Matsue, Kochi, Oki, Tamana, Fukuoka, Sakawa, Sakata, Kumamoto and Nagoya. Our program of cultural exchange, homestays, basketball and community service truly exemplifies the "experience of a lifetime". Most importantly our Yonsei families have fostered friendships and bonds that will truly last a lifetime.
We are thankful to all of you for your continuous support of Yonsei and for being instrumental in keeping our program alive. In the spirit of the season, we would like to continue our Yonsei 2020 campaign which will help our organization maintain our high-quality program in the midst of the ever-increasing facilities, insurance and travel costs.
Yonsei 2020 Campaign
All Donors will be recognized on our website and exhibition program
$ 500 Gold - Yonsei Hydroflask and Backpack
$ 250 Silver – Yonsei Hydroflask
$ 100 Bronze - Yonsei Hat
If you would like to write a check, please mail to: Yonsei Basketball Association 5762 Lincoln Avenue # 449, Cypress CA 90630-9998.
Thank you to all who have supported Yonsei, as we move into our 27th year, with Y27 traveling to Kochi Japan this year.
Thank you for your support!
Yonsei Basketball Association
Yonsei Basketball Association - Facebook
Yonsei 25th Anniversary Instagram
501c3 Non Profit Organization
Scott Kohno
Cypress, CA
Yonsei Basketball Association