Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Findley Family Fund

Spende geschützt
For those of you that knew my brother Jerod, knew a good sense of humor, knew passion, knew strength, knew love, and knew the most beautiful curly locks of hair. I can't even begin to describe how deeply he will be missed. My brother meant the world to all of us - was our world. Pain knows no boundaries. I wish more than anything I could take away the pain of my family, my parents. I know I can't do that, but I can try to relieve some of their stresses and allow them to grieve. If I had more to give, I would give them everything. They would never ask for help, but I know during this difficult time, we will be struggling financially to handle the details and provide my brother the memorial he deserves. Donations will contribute to travel, services, and a headstone. We truly appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers, and kind words and gestures through this tribulation. Anything you can give is so truly appreciated. Thank you!


  • Shawnee Banks
    • $20
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jordan Findley
St. Petersburg, FL
Rebecca Gallimore Findley

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