Handling Life After Losing CJ
Donation protected
On May 22, 2015, my husband was riding his motorcycle to work when he was sideswiped by a car and died of his injuries. He was wearing his full gear and drving as safe as always.
His helmet clasp malfunctioned when he hit, it fell off, and he was left powerless. He suffered massive head and chest trauma and, I'm told, went into cardiac arrest immediatly. I am told he felt no pain and that he passed away almost immediatly. The ambulance crew and the emergency room doctors worked so hard to try and get him back.
I am absolutely devasted, shattered, crushed, and empty as his sudden passing. He was our rock and the best man I ever knew. He was the best father in the world and his children will miss him dearly. I will never recover from losing him.
Everyone is asking how they can help us. I want you all to know that I appreciate every single one of you and all your offers.
I'm setting this GoFundMe page up for my kids and their future. CJ was the sole breadwinner in our house (I haven't worked outside the home in five years!) and I am suddenly left with such a burden. We were going to close on a house in three weeks, but that is now off the table as well.
I feel very uncomfortable and pretentious doing this, but you all have been pleading to help and I can only think of this. Nothing will bring him home to me, but he would love knowing that others were taking care of me now that he cannot.
Thank you all so much.

I also created an amazon wishlist with things we use around our house. That can be viewed here: http://amzn.com/w/I5ECERR8YDM
His helmet clasp malfunctioned when he hit, it fell off, and he was left powerless. He suffered massive head and chest trauma and, I'm told, went into cardiac arrest immediatly. I am told he felt no pain and that he passed away almost immediatly. The ambulance crew and the emergency room doctors worked so hard to try and get him back.
I am absolutely devasted, shattered, crushed, and empty as his sudden passing. He was our rock and the best man I ever knew. He was the best father in the world and his children will miss him dearly. I will never recover from losing him.
Everyone is asking how they can help us. I want you all to know that I appreciate every single one of you and all your offers.
I'm setting this GoFundMe page up for my kids and their future. CJ was the sole breadwinner in our house (I haven't worked outside the home in five years!) and I am suddenly left with such a burden. We were going to close on a house in three weeks, but that is now off the table as well.
I feel very uncomfortable and pretentious doing this, but you all have been pleading to help and I can only think of this. Nothing will bring him home to me, but he would love knowing that others were taking care of me now that he cannot.
Thank you all so much.

I also created an amazon wishlist with things we use around our house. That can be viewed here: http://amzn.com/w/I5ECERR8YDM
Misty Jo Kjellman
Hudson, NH