Vacate Cohocton LL 4-2019 Allowing 650ft Turbines
Donation protected
On June 8, 2020, a hybrid action and proceeding pursuant to Article 78 and Section 3001 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules was filed with Steuben County Supreme Court to annul and invalidate Local Law No. 4 of 2019, which amended the zoning law of the Town of Cohocton regulating “windmills and windmill facilities”, (Local Law No. 2 of 2006).
Continuing fund raising to help support attorney fees to further the challenge of legality of law amendment passed in December 2019 by Cohocton NY Town Board allowing turbine height increase to 650 feet. We have also submitted petition to New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting to re-hear the case they approved on May 6th regarding validity of local law.
We have received strong support broadly across the local area and beyond for this effort and thank those that have supported us. We also ask to continue sharing with those that would like to support.
Continuing fund raising to help support attorney fees to further the challenge of legality of law amendment passed in December 2019 by Cohocton NY Town Board allowing turbine height increase to 650 feet. We have also submitted petition to New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting to re-hear the case they approved on May 6th regarding validity of local law.
We have received strong support broadly across the local area and beyond for this effort and thank those that have supported us. We also ask to continue sharing with those that would like to support.
Chad Zigenfus
Cohocton, NY