Validation Training Institute 2023 Fundraiser
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Founded by Naomi Feil in 1983, VTI is a U.S.-based, not-for-profit organization that offers progressively developed certification levels and training programs in addition to a network of national and regional Validation organizations to disseminate information, train interested individuals, and maintain the Validation Method, a distinct way of communicating with those with dementia. VTI’s ultimate objective is to “nurture respect, dignity and well-being in the lives of older adults experiencing age-related decline and their caregivers.” Validation is a method of communicating with and helping cognitively impaired seniors. It helps reduce stress, enhances dignity, and promotes happiness. Built on an empathetic and holistic approach, Validation asks caregivers to ‘step into the shoes’ of those with dementia and ‘see through their eyes to understand the meaning of their often-complex behaviors. This method allows seniors the opportunity to express, both verbal and non-verbal, their often-suppressed feelings and needs.
Meridian Senior Living
Bethesda, MD
Validation Training Institute