Help Build the Valley Rock Gym in Corvallis, OR!
With your support, Valley Rock Gym will work to create a space where people of all ages, identities, and abilities can come to socialize, learn, move, and grow as climbers, and as individuals.
Valley Rock Gym will be a family-focused and community-oriented climbing facility in Corvallis, OR. We will feature over 8,000 sq. ft. of climbing space, youth areas, training zones, fitness areas, yoga studio, party room, and a cafe featuring smoothies and fresh local foods.
Donated funds will be used to complete the build out of the climbing walls and will help keep us on track for the anticipated gym opening in late winter 2021 (fingers crossed for late February/early March date!)! Plus, with a donation, you're eligible for some Valley Rock Gym swag (see details below).
You can learn more about the gym and sign up for updates by visiting: https://valleyrockgym.com/. You can also follow gym news on Instagram or Facebook .
Thank you so much for your support of the Valley Rock Gym and our goal of providing a space for our community to climb and connect!
~ The Valley Rock Gym Team
(Deanna, Johanna, Morgan, Sally & Wendy)
In appreciation of your donation, we are offering these items to our supporters:
$1-29: Immense gratitude and appreciation from the VRG team plus a shout out on the donor page on our webpage
$30 and above: VRG sticker
$75 and above: VRG T-shirt* and VRG sticker
$300 and above: Invitation to VRG pre-opening celebration, VRG T-shirt* and VRG sticker
$500 and above: Private rental of youth area, invitation to VRG pre-opening celebration, VRG T-shirt* and VRG sticker
$1000 and above: Climbing hold engraved with your name utilized on climbing wall, private rental of youth area, invitation to VRG pre-opening celebration, VRG T-shirt* and VRG sticker
* We will send an individual message to supporters to collect t-shirt sizes and color preferences
#SmallBusinessReliefValley Rock Gym Team on the soon to be updated gym building in downtown Corvallis!
Main Boulder and Prow
Youth Area
Training Wall
Another Bouldering Wall!
T-shirt colors and fit for those who have donated $75 or more. We have unisex, women's specific, and youth fits, from sizes XS-XL in both teal and orange.