Life-Saving TAVI Surgery for Lalo - Valvulalo
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On Sunday, September 11, our dear father, Lalo, as all his friends call him, had a heart attack, and we need you.
Following an emergency catheterisation, doctors determined that he urgently needs a valve replacement surgery.
Lalo is diagnosed with Severe Aortic Stenosis. This means that the Aortic Valve of his heart is not working, and until it is replaced, he is very vulnerable to another heart attack.
Given his delicate state of health, the process of percutaneous aortic valve prosthesis (TAVI) must be performed, a minimally invasive operation that will solve the valve problem and restore our dear Lalo's health.
The amount we need to raise is $38,500. This is the cost of the operation.
The critical economic, political and social situation that our country, Venezuela, is going through means that a PhD university professor like him does not earn more than 16 dollars a month, making it impossible to afford this procedure.
But, although everything may seem difficult, we are full of hope. We know that we are not alone, and neither is Lalo, that during his life, he has touched many people with his kindness, generosity and dedication. We all feel grateful and lucky to have him. And we will do everything to save him.
With your support, we know we can do it.
This is his story
His name is Oscar, but we call him Lalo. He is 70 years old and is a man who has always given himself to others. He has dedicated more than 35 years to university teaching, and although he could already be retired, he continues because it makes him very happy; it gives him life and meaning, just like his family, the most essential thing in his life.
Lalo loves to tell stories and has a strong love for books. He is an Engineer with a Master's Degree in Food Engineering and a Doctorate in Agroindustrial Engineering from the University of Valladolid. Knowledge that he has transmitted to hundreds of professionals in our country.

Outside of teaching, he usually escapes to the mountains whenever he gets a chance. And he is fond of rivers, green spaces, clear skies and starry nights.

Its garden shelters Rito, the parrot; three tortoises, an old white cat and two dogs: Foko and Canuto.

He carefully takes care of a chili pepper and enjoys preparing ‘picantes’ whose fame already crosses borders.

Lalo is, without a doubt, a person who passionately values the life he has lived intensely. For this and much more, we invite you to join us on this journey.
Holding your hand, Lalo will overcome this great challenge and continue filling our lives with laughter, joy and valuable lessons, as always.
Follow our story on Instagram and share it with your friends.
el domingo 11 de septiembre nuestro querido padre, Lalo, como le dicen todos sus amigos, tuvo un infarto muy fuerte y los necesitamos.
Luego de un cateterismo de emergencia, los doctores determinaron que necesita urgentemente una cirugía de reemplazo valvular.
Lalo está diagnosticado con Estenosis Aórtica Severa. Esto quiere decir que la Válvula Aórtica de su corazón no está funcionando, y hasta reemplazarla, es muy vulnerable a sufrir otro infarto.
Dado su delicado estado de salud, debe realizarse el proceso de colocación de prótesis valvular aórtica percutáneo (TAVI), una operación poco invasiva que solucionará el problema de la válvula y restaurará la salud de nuestro querido Lalo.
El monto que necesitamos es 38.500 dólares. Este es el costo de la operación.
La crítica situación económica, política y social que atraviesa nuestro país, Venezuela, hace que un profesor PhD universitario como él, no gane más de 16 dólares al mes, haciendo imposible encarar esta situación.
Pero, aunque todo se pueda ver difícil, estamos llenos de esperanza. Sabemos que no estamos solos, y Lalo tampoco, que durante su vida ha tocado a muchas personas con su amabilidad, su generosidad y su entrega. Todos nos sentimos agradecidos y afortunados de tenerlo. Y haremos todo para salvarlo.
Contigo sabemos que lo podemos lograr.
Esta es su historia:
Su nombre es Oscar, pero le dicen Lalo. Tiene 70 años y es un hombre que siempre se ha dado a los demás. Ha dedicado más de 35 años a la docencia universitaria, y aunque ya podría estar jubilado, continúa, porque le hace muy feliz, le da vida y sentido, al igual que su familia; el trabajo más grande de su vida.
A Lalo le encanta echar cuentos y tiene un fuerte amor por los libros. Es Ingeniero, con una Maestría en Ingeniería de los Alimentos y un Doctorado en Ingeniería Agroindustrial en la Universidad de Valladolid. Conocimientos que ha transmitido a cientos de profesionales en nuestro país.

Aparte de la docencia, suele escaparse cada vez que puede al monte y tiene predilección por los ríos, los espacios verdes, los cielos despejados y las noches estrelladas.

Tiene un loro que se llama Rito, tres morrocoyes, una vieja gata blanca y dos perros: Foko y Canuto.

Cuida con esmero una matica de aji y goza preparando unos picantes cuya fama ya traspasa las fronteras.

Sigue nuestra historia en Instagram y compártela con tus amigos.
Lourdes Daniela Barrios Ayala