My younger son Kyle was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer on December 4th, 2016. The cancer was a full blockage of his colon and had spread to his liver. His type of cancer is called neuroendocrine cancer, it is very rare and extremely aggressive. Since that time he has endured 3 major surgeries, 26 rounds of Chemotherapy (Two different types with multiple drugs each), and a Chemo Embolization which injects Chemo directly into his liver. He now has cancer throughout his liver which is 4 times it’s normal size. There is cancer in a bone in his back and he is showing signs of liver failure. They don’t have any chemo left to try. They started today, 18 April, with a trial immunotherapy as a last attempt to affect the cancer. To add to this, he has been served with foreclosure notice on his home and moved in with us. He is my hero and the bravest man I know..... Dave Van Doren