Service Dog Training for Vasya, Dylan, & Stephanie
Hello Lovelies!
Thank you so much for visiting our page! We've had a rough year, and are determined to make 2019 a much better one, but, as it turns out, we need help in one major area to make that happen.
As you may already know, Dylan and I struggle with a handful of mental and physical health issues that have impacted our ability to lead normal lives. There is much we have worked on and improved over the years, but as suggested by our doctors, we have decided to raise a service dog to aid us in the ways we can't fix through professionals alone. This is why we got Vasya! This little spitfire came with us all the way across the country, from a breeder who focuses on health, temperament, and early neurological stimulation. Vasya has been amazing, shown to be rock-steady and fearless in any situation, very bonded, and concerned for our well-being. In short, she's the perfect candidate for the work we need her to do.
We have contacted several programs and trainers, and have decided to go with Compass Key Service Dog Training for Vasya. She already has an evaluation scheduled for the first week of January, and will begin training in earnest after that.
Unfortunately, we have had to use our savings to fix several unexpected issues with our house, and thus are struggling to cover the full costs of the program.
The link below details the costs of the training, though it varies based on each case. After discuss sing with the trainer and them informing me of travel costs and the higher rate of the trainer near us, the total will likely be around $3,000-4,000. We are trying to raise money for only a portion of the costs to be most realistic in expectations.
Compass Key Service Dog Training Cost Estimate
Still, we are the creators of Wayward Rabbit through and through, and thus are providing gifts for those who donate! The tiers are as follows:
Thank-you gifts per giving tier:
$5 A thank you card designed by us and signed by Vasya
$25 A thank you magnet of a different design signed by Vasya, a personalized note, and a custom pin!
$50 A randomly chosen necklace from our shop (many are not listed currently, but can be found at Thewaywardrabbit.com/shop )
$75 A custom clay stylized figurine of your pet! We can do requests for most animals, too, if you don't have a pet :)
$100 A custom acrylic painted portrait of your pet, or animal/character of your choosing, on a 4x4 wood panel!
$200+ If local, (1-hour driving within Baltimore area), we will do a photoshoot for your family - pets included! If not local, an 8x8 pet portrait! Check out Thewaywardrabbit.com/portfolio for example of our work!