Alicia & Simon Dickson
Donation protected
It’s time to help one of our own!
Putting out a call to all St Andrew’s players and supporters for a bit of a dip in your pocket to help Alicia and Simon Dickson and their children, Jobe and Charlotte, during a difficult period in their lives.
Just over twelve months ago, Alicia was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since this diagnosis, Alicia has undergone chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation treatment. Alicia and Simon have bravely fought the good fight during this time; however, Alicia is now undergoing more treatment. Simon has almost used up all his available leave whilst supporting Alicia and looking after their children. There have also been substantial medical costs along the way.
The club would like to raise at least $5,000 to support Alicia and Simon at this time.
Please get around this lovely family by supporting this appeal!
Darryl Fry – St Andrew’s Cricket Club - President
John Hockey
Hamilton, VIC