Baby Abigail
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Our niece Jessica Cunningham and her husband Pat are two of the strongest individuals we know. Currently they are both off work staying in Hamilton to be by the side of their Baby Abigail day in and day out. As neither of them have been working for almost one months’ time and there is no prognosis for when Baby Abigail may get to come home we are looking for support from our family and friends with Jessica and Pat’s permission.
This is Jessica’s story in her own words about Baby Abigail Quinn Cunningham’s fight for survival:
“The entire pregnancy progressed perfectly. As I had complications with my son Carter’s birth over five years ago I was seen regularly throughout the pregnancy at McMasters Children’s Hospital in Hamilton. Being deemed high risk I went in for a scheduled caesarian section at exactly 37 weeks on December 11, 2019. At the time I had a cough and the doctor decided to give me a prescription and reschedule the birth for a couple of days. As we were leaving the hospital I started developing some terrible pains almost like contractions except much sharper. My doctor still assured me everything was fine and sent Pat and I home. By the time we got home from McMaster to where we live in Welland the pains were so intensely severe I couldn’t tolerate the pain any longer so back to the hospital we went. The doctor still didn’t believe anything was wrong and gave me pain medication and advised that we were still going to wait for a couple of days. Within a half hour the pain grew more intense and before the hospital staff could move me into operating room my uterus ruptured. The hospital staff moved quickly but unfortunately, not quick enough. Baby Abigail went at least 7 minutes without oxygen resulting in a very traumatic birth not only affecting some of her organs but also leaving her with severe brain damage. I was admitted into the hospital for one week to recover from my internal injuries. During this time Baby Abigail struggled and fought every day to stay alive. She is still struggling… Struggling to eat, so she requires a feeding tube. Struggling with managing her secretions. Struggling to breathe which is why she is intubated with a breathing tube and ventilator. After a very long first week Baby Abigail started to move her limbs and now she has a little head movement. We currently have no idea if she will ever be able to see. Baby Abigail has a very long fight ahead of her but Pat and I will be right here with her at McMaster Children’s Hospital, staying close nightly at the Ronald McDonald house, so we can support and fight by her side”.
If you can help in any way at all it would be greatly appreciated.
Uncle Gary and Auntie Pepper are proud to ask for help on behalf of the Cunningham family.
This is Jessica’s story in her own words about Baby Abigail Quinn Cunningham’s fight for survival:
“The entire pregnancy progressed perfectly. As I had complications with my son Carter’s birth over five years ago I was seen regularly throughout the pregnancy at McMasters Children’s Hospital in Hamilton. Being deemed high risk I went in for a scheduled caesarian section at exactly 37 weeks on December 11, 2019. At the time I had a cough and the doctor decided to give me a prescription and reschedule the birth for a couple of days. As we were leaving the hospital I started developing some terrible pains almost like contractions except much sharper. My doctor still assured me everything was fine and sent Pat and I home. By the time we got home from McMaster to where we live in Welland the pains were so intensely severe I couldn’t tolerate the pain any longer so back to the hospital we went. The doctor still didn’t believe anything was wrong and gave me pain medication and advised that we were still going to wait for a couple of days. Within a half hour the pain grew more intense and before the hospital staff could move me into operating room my uterus ruptured. The hospital staff moved quickly but unfortunately, not quick enough. Baby Abigail went at least 7 minutes without oxygen resulting in a very traumatic birth not only affecting some of her organs but also leaving her with severe brain damage. I was admitted into the hospital for one week to recover from my internal injuries. During this time Baby Abigail struggled and fought every day to stay alive. She is still struggling… Struggling to eat, so she requires a feeding tube. Struggling with managing her secretions. Struggling to breathe which is why she is intubated with a breathing tube and ventilator. After a very long first week Baby Abigail started to move her limbs and now she has a little head movement. We currently have no idea if she will ever be able to see. Baby Abigail has a very long fight ahead of her but Pat and I will be right here with her at McMaster Children’s Hospital, staying close nightly at the Ronald McDonald house, so we can support and fight by her side”.
If you can help in any way at all it would be greatly appreciated.
Uncle Gary and Auntie Pepper are proud to ask for help on behalf of the Cunningham family.
Mitorganisatoren (3)
Gary Gaston
Niagara Falls, ON
Pepper Gaston
Isaac Cunningham