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Mr. Douglas Mason's Kennel Rebuild

Donación protegida
To all the dog owners whose lives have been touched by Mr. Douglas Mason over the years, I would like to invite you all to donate not only whatever you are comfortable with financially, but also with whatever time you may have to help refurbish/rebuild his kennels.  Mr. Mason has housed, cared for and trained hundreds, if not thousands of dogs over the years.  I want to raise enough money to buy the  supplies required to rebuild his kennels and expand, if possible.  For those that are close enough to volunteer their skills for this project, please reach out to me directly and I will setup a date that is convenient for as many as possible.

             For those that know Mr. Mason personally and for those that may just know his name, I can tell you first hand that he is a godly man that cares for his community and everyone that he meets.  I believe his first love after his family and friends (of course) is for all the dogs that he has bred, trained and kept over the years (and will continue to care for), many of which may have belonged to some of you.

             Mr. Mason would never ask for a handout for anything, but I've spoken to several folks already asking their thoughts on setting up this GoFundMe account for this effort, and immediately everyone said they thought it was a great idea.  I can't tell you how blessed my family has been since we were first introduced to Mr. Mason nearly 2 years ago by Charles Sosa, when we first took my son's Dogo out to him for training.  We recently visited Mr. Mason and noticed that some of his kennels were in disrepair or in need of replacement, although all the dogs were clearly well taken care of.  Mr. Mason will see this as he is obviously a friend of mine on Facebook, so he may take offense when I say he's no "spring chicken" at age 72+, yet still manages to keep up with everything (dog trainer, volunteer fireman, community leader, many others I don't even know about).  I just want to be able to give back to a man who give so much of himself with no expectation of a return favor, ever!

          Please join me in recognizing all the great things Mr. Mason has done for us and our dogs by getting these kennels rebuilt for the dogs that he loves so dearly.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


  • Renee Morgan
    • $25
    • 10 años
  • James chenault
    • $25
    • 10 años
  • Andrew Armour
    • $50
    • 10 años
  • Callie Crady
    • $50
    • 10 años
  • Nicole & Andrew Stevenson
    • $200
    • 10 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Scott Stevenson
San Antonio, TX
Douglas Mason

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe