Todos con Ademil
It has been created to support our friend Ademil Motel, his wife has just died of covid, leaving a newborn baby. Ademil had to make a payment agreement so that they can deliver. his wife's body to him in order to fire her in a dignified way, the debt amounts to RD$ 2,987,675.98, since the young woman lasted a month in intensive care, unfortunately his wife did not win the battle and now he runs with the medical expenses and a debt with the clinic where his wife was admitted, SUPPORT US with your contribution we can support to the cause for Ademil Motel.
Ha sido creado para darle apoyo a nuestro compañero Ademil Motel, su esposa acaba de fallecer por covid, dejando un bebe recién Nacido. Ademil tuvo que hacer un acuerdo de pago para que le puedan entregar el cuerpo de su esposa para poder despedirla de una manera digna, la deuda asciende a RD $ 2,987,675.98, ya que la joven duro un mes en intensivo, desafortunadamente su esposa no gano la batalla y ahora corre con los gastos médicos y una deuda con la clínica donde estuvo ingresada su esposa, APÓYANOS con tu aporte podemos sumar a la causa para nuestro amigo Ademil Motel.