Help me raise funds for RECLAIM
As a child from a council estate in Manchester, I know only too well how society is quick to abandon you if your grades at school don't cut it. Huge pressure and judgement is bestowed on 16 year olds to get 5 GCSE's or else. This conditioning is damaging and plain wrong. Some of the most amazing people have modest upbringing, yet have been cast aside as a consequence of society's expectations to be academically talented at the ripe age of 16.
I was fortunate to buck this societal trap despite having gained only two grade C's at GCSE. I was given a chance because I had skills that school does not prescribe. Common sense, intuition, perception and tenacity. These are just some of the skills, that if given a chance, young people can use to break free and achieve huge things.
Please help me raise funds for RECLAIM so that those people are marginalised or less fortunate have access to opportunities to potentially enrich their lives.

Jullian Shawcross
Reclaim Project Ltd