Verdugo Pines Bible Camp Winter 2023 Fundraiser
The last calendar year saw camp set every weather event record seemingly possible: record winds felling more than two dozen trees? Check. Record snowfall closing the entire town of Wrightwood for days and likewise shutting down camp as well? Check. Record rain from a tropical storm? Check.
Unfortunately all these events left damage in their wake, and accelerated the timeframe for other necessary repairs.
This winter's fundraising drive will be for new roofs for the Chapel and Dining Hall, plus water intrusion repairs to these same buildings and others as funds allow.
With an appreciation and reverence for the past, we celebrate 60 years of God's faithfulness to Verdugo Pines Bible Camp, and look forward and prepare for the next 60 years of His camp! 100% of funds raised here for Southern California Bible Conference will go towards continuing the mission of Verdugo Pines Bible Camp for future generations!
Andrew Wilson
Fountain Valley, CA
Southern California Bible Conference Inc