Funeral expenses for Verónica Córdova De la Cruz
Donation protected
Veronica was a vibrant person, who dedicated her work and life to providing the best life and opportunities she could to her children, and supporting her family where she could.
She loved to sing-a-long to Mijares, and loved every sunset and every moon she ever saw. Vero loved to whistle to the birds, and even taught some mockingbirds her own song years ago when she lived somewhere in Houston. She was allergic to cats, but kept three because her children loved animals too much and adopted the strays.
Vero loved the beach and the crisp air from the oceans, it was her favorite place to go when she had the opportunity. She loved her kids more than anything in the world and every day and every step forward she took in life, she took for her children. For the future she hoped they would achieve, that their lives were different from hers in the effort it took for them to live freely and comfortably.
Veronica Cordova was killed in a car accident in the earliest morning hours of July 30th in Austin, Texas. She never had the chance to see the beautiful supermoon that she would have taken too many photos of, or come home safe and sleep in her bed that night. Veronica is succeeded by her children Valeria (24), Rubi (23), Tania (20), and Ari (19).
This campaign is to raise money for the funeral expenses of Veronica Cordova, and to support her children in her stead for a time. Our family grieves alongside her children, and we want to help care for them in the smallest ways that their mom can't anymore.
Estamos creando esté GoFundMe después de que personas allegadas a la familia, amistades, y aún aquellos a los que no conocemos, pero que al enterarse del trágico accidente en el que nuestra madre; Verónica Córdoba De la Cruz perdió la vida, y han ofrecido su ayuda, como muestra de su generosidad. La noche del 30 de Julio, 2023 en Austin Texas, nuestra madre salió a trabajar como de costumbre, ella era chofer de Uber y Lyft. Cerca de las 2:30 de la madrugada, mi madre llevaba 3 pasajeros en su vehículo. De pronto un conductor ebrio que manejaba a exceso de velocidad, impactó ferozmente el vehículo que manejaba nuestra madre, haciéndolo dar vueltas, para después incendiarse; como resultado de éste terrible suceso las 4 personas murieron, incluyendo mi madre.En nombre de mis hermanos Ari Frank (19)Tania (20)Stephanie (23)Y yo , Valeria (24)
Agradecemos profundamente a todas las personas que han expresado sus condolencias a nuestra familia. Mil gracias por tenernos presentes en sus oraciones, éstas han traído fortaleza a todos nosotros, en este momento de tanto dolor.
Organizer and beneficiary
Shadai Viridiana Yescas
Austin, TX
Valeria Gonzalez