Vet bills for Miranda
My sister’s cat, who had an accidental pregnancy (we were told she was spayed, but...surprise) escaped from the house to hide and go have her babies. we scoured the neighborhood and the whole house for days.
A sweet person found Miranda and took her to cat welfare which took her to a vet. She was badly wounded, and had birthed only one of her kittens, and couldn’t birth the other two.
Upon inspection, they found that Miranda had been ravaged by an animal. She has lacerations all over her body, mainly her abdomen. She had to have an emergency spay, and a second emergency surgery to have her tail removed, which was completely broken and shredded by the animal that attacked her. Her other two kittens didn’t make it. The one kitten that is alive has a 50/50 chance. because of Miranda’s stress her milk didn’t come in, so the baby has to be bottle fed.
my sister has not had a lot of money since she left her abusive marriage. she only just got an apartment. There is no way she can afford the vet bills that are already piling up when she hasn’t even gotten A divorce lawyer or child support figured out. We go pick Miranda up this Tuesday. she has a long road to recovery.
Any little bit helps. Thank you.