LGBTQ lecture & protest against bigotry
Donation protected
OK! As many of you know, this event was cancelled. But like... we made ABC News wnd tomorrow we will be in The Guardian newspaper and we *will* reschedule so that's in the works. Like I told media: me doing these lectures is the greatest tool we have against bigotry because education is the greatest tool against ignorance.
There will be more news coming in the days, so if you see it just know: "hey! I helped that trans woman!" and feel good about it.
You earned it.
Love y'all.️️⚧️❤️
My name is Adria Jawort & I am an Indigenous trans woman who does lectures on LGBTQ/Two Spirit history on behalf of Humanities Montana as part of my income.
However, in protest against a Humanities Montana board member who openly embraces white nationalist ideals & recently an praised anti-Semitic/LGBTQ-phobic webs ite known for doxxing and harassing trans people in an LGBTQ-phobic hitpiece targeting transgender Mont. House representative, Zoey Zephyr, I cannot with a clear conscious accept money from thilem although they're due to pay me some $565.00 for traveling 450 miles round-trip to Butte, Montana to do a lecture about LGBTQ/Two Spirit people.
[NOTE: (I also did a June 6 lecture of which I was expected to get paid for. I did the event, just without being reimbursed so thank you for your generosity in helping offset that financial loss.❤️)
The Jewish magazine Forward noted how said website praised by this Humanties Montana board member likes to keep a “kill count” of how many people they harassed into suicide, & tech magazine Gizomdo calls it "an online forum best known for harboring stalkers, white supremacists, and overall being one of the worst cesspits the internet has to offer."
Days after the board member's article, both Zephyr and her fiance were SWATted (had fake police calls reporting violent crimes at their residencies in attenpts to get them arrested/shot) as is common practice from said website's members.
Humanities Montana and the State have stood by this white nationalist/LGBTQ-phobic board member without even public a statement apart from one by said board member mocking concerned Montanans.
As a politically active trans activist who's been targeted plenty of with violent threats efforts to silence and intimidate me, I'd rather not ask for money and would rather they jusf remove said board member who despises trans people like myself, but the best way to combat ignorance, hate, & bigotry prevalent in Montana as trans people are targeted politically is through continued education, & with your help I will be able to continue to speak out and afford travel expenses.
Much obliged for your time, and thank you for reading this.
Adria Jawort
Billings Metropolitan Area, MT