Help Veya staff rebuild post-Irma
Help our Veya staff rebuild from Hurricane Irma From chef Carrie Bogar: Hurricane Irma devastated Anguilla on Sept. 6 with 200-mph winds and a ferocious storm surge. Our restaurant, Veya, survived with minor damage. That is relatively easy to fix. Our restaurant family of 30, however, have lost cars, homes, personal belongings and, for now, all the rhythms of a normal daily life, like electricity and running water. They will tell you they are grateful to be alive; we will tell you they need our help. (That guy on the right in the white dinenr jacket? Total photo-bomber, but we left him stay in our family portrait because that's just how we are.)
We've set up this fund to help our staff recover and rebuild -- and to help keep them afloat until we can re-open. Any contributions you make will go directly to our employees, so they can repair their cars and roofs and replace their clothes and household items. Our terrific manager, Tamika Lewis, will ensure the fair distribution of your donations.
We all look forward to putting this disaster behind us and welcoming you back!
Thank you,
Carrie and Jerry Bogar
(My name is Ann Gerhart, a longtime friend and patron of Veya's owners. I set this page up for them because they have next-to-no internet and power on Anguilla for the foreseeable future.)