Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Antonio “Tony” Martinez

Donación protegida
Hello Mi Gente,

March 3, 2023 was a life changing experience for the family we experience a tragedy! My Dad Antonio “Tony” Martinez was a true definition of a Hero! He did everything in his power to protect and fight back for his family! It took a turn for the worst when he was Shot in the head! He was recovering it was looking successful! Now the family has gotten the news that he has few days to weeks depending on the body and when he is ready to pass on to be with the Lord and when the Lord is ready to receive him! We are kindly asking the family and friends to help us with the cost of services while we are getting ready for the departure! We have set this donation page for those that have asked and for those that want to kindly donation. We appreciate everyone during this time and I know my dad appreciate the gesture from everyone. We are looking to provide a proper arrangements for him. He hasn’t pass God has the last Say!

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Antonio Martinez
Tampa, FL
Veronica Martinez
Team member

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