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New Liver = New Life

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As some of you may know, my mother, Vicky Sue Burgess, has been suffering from Non Alcoholic Stateo Hepatitis (NASH) from high cholesterol medications, also know as statins. This has caused her liver to not function properly for several years now, along with Type II Diabetes.  Over the past couple of years the liver disease has progressed to Cirrohisis of the Liver and we recently learned that it is now Stage 4, which means she is in need of a liver transplant.  As I am sure many of you can imagine, there will be alot of cost associated with my moms care.   We will be traveling to Duke Hospital in Durham, NC to meet with the specialists on March 20, 2015.  After this visit I will be able to update everyone to what the next steps will be.

It is my hopes that I can raise enough money to pay for the out of pocket expenses and relieve stress from my mom and dad during this trying time in our lives.  Any help you can provide is much appreciated.

Please also keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we go through this battle. 

Thank you,

Vicki Jo Burgess



  • Annette Gunter
    • $100
    • 9 yrs


Vicki Jo Burgess
Greensboro, NC

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