Victim’s legal fight against her abuser
Donation protected
Before my friend's late mother developed Dementia, she made a Will which stated her only child, Kirsty, would inherit her property. There was one stipulation which stated her mother's partner (we’ll call him Man X) would be allowed to remain in the property until he also passed away.
Due to her mother's reduced mental capacity, she wouldn't understand and therefore never knew, Man X repeatedly sexually assaulted Kirsty and on one occasion, her 14-year-old daughter too
The crimes were reported to the police however Man X only received a suspended sentence. Kirsty's mother passed away in 2013 and in accordance with the Will, Man X was permitted to remain in the property. There was a 'No Contact Order’ in place due to his wrong-doings. He denied Kirsty the opportunity to look through any of her mother's possessions which was utterly heart-breaking. In 2017 Man X re-offended, sexually assaulting another woman and her 12-year-old daughter. He was remanded in custody and eventually sentenced to 2 years 3 months. Due to him being in prison Kirsty's property was now left empty. She obtained legal advice on what to do with the empty house and the Solicitor told her she could re-enter and reclaim what was rightfully hers, suggesting also that she rent the property out, advice she followed.
In 2018 after only spending 1 year in prison, Man X was released.
Man X began demanding access to the property which now had tenants. Kirsty's solicitor advised her NOT to permit him re-entering, but to make him an offer of alternative accommodation. He was offered suitable accommodation on 3 separate occasions, but refused each offer, insisting he return to the property that Kirsty now owned. With no remorse for his crimes, including the mental and physical anguish he has put Kirsty, her daughter and wider family through, he decided to take Kirsty to court. She was completely distressed which took a toll on her mental health.
Shockingly, the Judge ruled in his favour!
Kirsty has now had to evict the tenants and permit Man X back into her property. She is still not free of her perpetrator and has had no justice herself. All the neighbours in the street know of his crimes and have no wish for his return. He has no shame. She has followed legal advice every step of the way, yet appears to have no legal rights. The criminal wins yet again. On top of Kirsty's legal fees of £40,000, she has been ordered to pay his legal fees AND damages to the tune of £61.000 and to add insult to injury, furnish the house as well. It’s unbelievable that her abuser can continue to torture her and family further, to the point where she admitted to feeling so devastated and hopeless and considered taking her own life. Thankfully, with medical intervention she is being treated. She has found this whole ordeal harrowing and the worst experience of her life.
We are appealing to anyone reading this to support by making any donation at all, to help Kirsty with the massive legal bill she is now faced with. It would mean so much for her to know there are good and kind people in the world and give her back a feeling of self-worth.
Thank you
Organizer and beneficiary
Christina Hall
Kirsty Easthope