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Relief For Victims of Kabul University

Spende geschützt
On November 2nd, 2020, at least 8000 students were on campus at Kabul University. Each one of these students was the future of Afghanistan with the aim of rebuilding a peaceful Afghanistan either becoming engineers, lawyers or doctors. However little did they know that today either their lives would be cut short or witness their classmates being brutally killed. Although the news sources confirmed that 22 students were killed, this heinous attack has left many others severely injured.

“I am devastated. I am destroyed,” are words that are still being memorized today by professors that have lost their most vulnerable students at Kabul University. Although, we cannot bring back the lives of these innocent students. CWB has decided to initiate a campaign to financially support the families that have either lost their loved ones from this heinous attack that were living under poverty or have sustained life-threatening injuries battling their lives.

Our ground personnel has located the families of the victims who were martyred today and have left behind their families including their parents. These families were already living in poverty and this tragedy has left them motionless. Through this campaign, we will be providing financial assistance for funeral expenses and medical expenses to the survivors and their families.

Children Without Borders is a registered non-profit organization with the vision of eradicating child labour in Afghanistan as well as providing financial, medical and educational assistance to the poverty-stricken families.


  • Anonym
    • 9 $
    • 4 Jahre
  • Mia Jackson
    • 50 $
    • 4 Jahre
  • Abbey Power
    • 8 $
    • 4 Jahre
  • Maddie Jamieson
    • 5 $
    • 4 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 200 $
    • 4 Jahre


Children Without Borders
Ajax, ON

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