Vijaygarh Foundation
We are sorry, Mom; we wish it were different.
We wish we could keep you.
For 6 years, our Mom, Vijay Goyal, fought like a warrior against Triple Negative Metastatic breast cancer. Although she was fighting her own battle, she always gained comfort in providing for and serving others. She contributed to national cancer research funds and donated food, supplies, and clothes to charities abroad. Whenever she visited India, she would take supplies with her and distribute them amongst the less fortunate communities. Locally, she would selflessly donate to the local temple.
The purpose of our GoFundMe page is to raise funds to donate towards various causes that were close to her heart including, first and foremost, cancer research so that others can benefit from novel treatments and have a chance at surviving this relentless disease. We aim to emulate her values and her key purpose - to serve others first.
100% of the funds collected will be going towards a foundation we create in her honor, the VijayGarh Foundation. VijayGarh, which translates to "The House of Victory", will donate funds directly to the National Breast Cancer Foundation in support of cancer research and early detection, and towards support for those in need of financial assistance. Our hope is that others may emerge victorious against cancer and be able to keep their loved ones.
"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."
*GoFundMe does not take a cut from the proceeds*