Violet Mulla
Donation protected
With a humble heart I am reaching out to our friends, family, and community to help me in raising funds to contribute to the celebration of life ceremony for Vjollca "Violet" Mulla.
For those of us close to Violet we were shocked when she was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer in April 2018. I am sure that those who have been down this road can attest to the emotional and financial distress this can put on the family and loved ones.
Violet passed away on September 4, 2018 but we find peace knowing that her spirit lives on through her precious family. She dedicated her life to taking care of her family and those close to her, and she could not have been a better mother, wife or friend.
Her final ceremony should be nothing short of incredibly special so as to reflect the appreciation and love that we have for every moment we were privileged to have her in our lives.
Any contribution will be greatly appreciated to help alleviate any financial burden upon the Mulla family during this already most difficult of times.
Me dhimbje te thelle, ne jemi duke percjelle tek shoket, familjaret dhe Komuniteti Shqiptar te ndihmoje familjen Mulla me mundesite e tyre sa do pak ne mbledhjen e nje fondi per shpenzimet e ceremonise se varrimit te Vjollca Mulla, nena e shokut tone te mrekullueshem Klajdi Mulla.
Per te gjithe ne qe e degjuam kete lajm te hidhur u shokuam, Ajo kishte kancer ne stomak faza e 4. Shume njerez qe e kane perjetuar kete lloj semundje e ndjejne cfare dhimbje emocionale dhe financiare eshte per familjern.
Vjollca ndroi jete ne Shtator 4, 2018 ne nje moshe shume te re. Ajo do te jet ne zemrat tona perjetesisht, sepse ishte nje nene e vecante per fremijet e saj, grua e persosur dhe nje shoqe e ralle per kush e ka njohur.
Ne deshirojme qe ceremonia e fundit e saj te jete speciale ashtu si e meriton ajo, qe te reflektoje sa e mrekullueshme ka qene Vjollca per Familjen, Shoqerin dhe per te gjithe ata qe e kane njohur.
Cdo kontribut do te jete nje ndihme shume e madhe per familjen, qe tja lehtesojme sa do pak kete dhimbje kaq e madhe qe u shkaktua nga humbja e njeriut me te dashur ne jete.

For those of us close to Violet we were shocked when she was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer in April 2018. I am sure that those who have been down this road can attest to the emotional and financial distress this can put on the family and loved ones.
Violet passed away on September 4, 2018 but we find peace knowing that her spirit lives on through her precious family. She dedicated her life to taking care of her family and those close to her, and she could not have been a better mother, wife or friend.
Her final ceremony should be nothing short of incredibly special so as to reflect the appreciation and love that we have for every moment we were privileged to have her in our lives.
Any contribution will be greatly appreciated to help alleviate any financial burden upon the Mulla family during this already most difficult of times.
Me dhimbje te thelle, ne jemi duke percjelle tek shoket, familjaret dhe Komuniteti Shqiptar te ndihmoje familjen Mulla me mundesite e tyre sa do pak ne mbledhjen e nje fondi per shpenzimet e ceremonise se varrimit te Vjollca Mulla, nena e shokut tone te mrekullueshem Klajdi Mulla.
Per te gjithe ne qe e degjuam kete lajm te hidhur u shokuam, Ajo kishte kancer ne stomak faza e 4. Shume njerez qe e kane perjetuar kete lloj semundje e ndjejne cfare dhimbje emocionale dhe financiare eshte per familjern.
Vjollca ndroi jete ne Shtator 4, 2018 ne nje moshe shume te re. Ajo do te jet ne zemrat tona perjetesisht, sepse ishte nje nene e vecante per fremijet e saj, grua e persosur dhe nje shoqe e ralle per kush e ka njohur.
Ne deshirojme qe ceremonia e fundit e saj te jete speciale ashtu si e meriton ajo, qe te reflektoje sa e mrekullueshme ka qene Vjollca per Familjen, Shoqerin dhe per te gjithe ata qe e kane njohur.
Cdo kontribut do te jete nje ndihme shume e madhe per familjen, qe tja lehtesojme sa do pak kete dhimbje kaq e madhe qe u shkaktua nga humbja e njeriut me te dashur ne jete.

Organizer and beneficiary
John Atanassov
Sarasota, FL
Klajdi Mulla