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Vision Nicaragua

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I am so overwhelmingly excited to be able to announce that I will FINALLY be a senior nursing student at Anderson University this fall! However, I am even more excited to be going to Nicaragua with a wonderful group of students to work with Vision Nicaragua! We will be volunteering to provide basic nursing care at the clinics that Vision Nicaragua organizes. 

My senior capstone research project involved research regarding the history of Nicaragua's health care system. Nicaragua is the second poorest nation in the Caribbean only to Haiti. Additionally, its physicians are the lowest paid in all of Central America and its nurses are hardly paid at all. The majority of the resources are allocated to the major cities because of the lack of healthcare professionals that are willing to move out to the remote areas of the country. 

Over the last several decades, the Nicaraguan government has really stepped in to provide more resources that eventually led to a significant decrease in waterborne illnesses. The current movement is to implement primary prevention techniques including clean water wells, clinics, and vaccinations. 

It will be my honor and privilege to be able to volunteer with this incredible organization. As a bilingual nursing student and trained medical interpreter, I feel very strongly about international cooperation in medicine. This is quite literally the culmination of my two degrees and hopefully the beginning of a lifetime of international service. 

Thank you for your prayers and support! :) 

¡Dios les bendiga!

"Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed, for I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told."

Habakkuk 1:5




  • Mike Rogers
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
  • Beth Wallace
    • $20 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Mackenzie Standeford
Plainfield, IN

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