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Support VOA after US tour cancellation

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Due to local legislation the rest of the tour with DRAGONFORCE is canceled as well as our headlining shows in New Jersey and Canada. 

We are so sad and extremely disappointed that we can’t play in all the cities on this leg after having waited for so long to get a chance to come back to the USA. We are very sorry for all the people who wanted to see us, Unleash the Archers and Dragonforce.

This being said, this cancellation is a financial catastrophe for the band right now. We had a lot of costs to bear:  
- the visas,
- our flight tickets,
- our bus rental,
- our crew salaries,
- everyday food,
- the merchandise production
- and now new flight tickets...

It’s thousands of dollars that the fees from the shows and the merchandise sales were supposed to cover... All these shows aren’t happening anymore so we are now in debt with no immediate solution to how to cover for all this. 

So this time we really need your help. 

Here’s our tour shirt with all the American dates at the back. You can get if for 30$ shipping included. You can also, if you wanna be super supportive, use this platform to make a donation, this would help us SOO much...!!

While placing your order leave us a message on this platform with your shirt size, your email and your full postal address.

This crisis is exceptional and if it goes on like this, we don't know how we will be able to maintain our April headline tour. If we don't perform, there won't be any chance to cover for this current loss and this means that it would be very hard for us to invest into our touring activities in the future.

Our band could simply go bankrupt.

So it's time that we all gather under our banner and we simply, kindly ask for your help and support in this rough time. This would mean the world to us and we would do our best to show you our gratitude as soon as we could hit the road again.

In the meantime, please, stay safe, wash your hands and we will celebrate big time when all this is over!

Thank you so much Sailors!!


- All the donations, when the campaign will be over, will be transferred to the band's bank account to cover the enormous loss caused by the canceled tour expenses. Withdrawal will be done by the management of the band in the person of Shawn Quinn from Napalm Records USA who will take care of refunding all the expenses caused by the tour cancelation and will also take care of covering the shipping price for all the items purchased by the donors in this campaign.

- As mentioned above, all the funds will be used to recover from the already paid and advanced: flights tickets, bandwagon fee, technicians salaries, merchandise production costs, visas expenses.

- Donors shall send us a private message/e-mail (using this platform) including: name, surname, address, e-mail address, shirt size, any other item wanted to claim the shirt (and/or CD, vinyl, earbook ecc. ecc. ). We need all the informations to dispatch the merchandise.

- Thanks from the bottom of our hearts for your fundamental help!

- Dispatching will begin as soon as possibile. Please notice that with the current worldwide situation it might take some time.

Organizador e beneficiário

Visions Of Atlantis
Shawn Quinn

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