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Volunteering in Kenya Expedition

Donación protegida
Hi! My name is Peter and I'm the father of a wonderful son Jacek who wants to take part in an amazing volunteering expedition in KENYA!
Together with a group of secondary school students from all over the UK, he will be helping local communities with environmental projects work. For example, they will be building elephant deterrent fences for local Maasai community, planting trees, de-worming animals, making paper out of elephant dung and even renovating the house of a local community member.

If you want to know more about this expedition, please visit: CampsInternational

Even a small donation is warmly welcomed! Take part in making the world a better place!


  • Anónimo
    • £10
    • 10 meses
  • Megan Jinneman
    • £10
    • 10 meses
  • Marcelina Lotek
    • £5
    • 10 meses
  • Dylan Allard
    • £10
    • 1 año
  • C Bass
    • £20
    • 1 año


Peter Zralka

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