Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

The Team at Ida’s Nearabout & Elder Green

Spende geschützt


On Monday night we closed the doors to both our locations as we feel it’s our duty to our communities to do our part in keeping everyone safe. We have done all we can to support our 30 employees, but it’s far from enough. 

Without any idea of how long we'll be closed, and with no commitment of government relief, we're turning to you to help provide security for these amazing people.

100% of donations go directly to our team. If you can give something in this time, it would mean the world to all of us.

From our hearts, thank you.
-The Vortex Hospitality Staff



  • Alison Morris
    • $40
    • 5 yrs


Sunnyside, NY

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt