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Vote for an Inclusive Westlock!

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We are running an active Vote NO campaign in the community to encourage Westlock residents to stand for inclusion on February 22nd. Many of our friends and neighbours need to know what is at stake in this vote. Any funds donated will go towards driving the information campaign through mailers, social media messaging and signage throughout the community. All remaining funds from this campaign will be donated directly to building Westlock’s first Inclusive playground - situated in Eastglen - forecast to be built Summer 2024 - Spring 2025. The Thunder Alliance GSA will be managing funds and expenses in coordination with Derrick, the GoFundMe Organizer.

A Message from Mayor Jon Kramer and Council:
Westlock Town Council is encouraging our residents to Vote NO on February 22nd - rejecting the proposed “Crosswalk and Flag Bylaw” that stands in opposition to inclusive initiatives within our community.
Aside from the negative message that this bylaw sends to residents and groups on the margins, there are also deep economic implications in having a bylaw like this on the books. It will most certainly have a negative impact on our ability to attract investment and key professionals to our community.
Every level of Canadian government uses its public infrastructure to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. Plain and simple, it’s common practice and good governance.

If we want this community of ours to flourish - to feel safe and welcoming for everyone - to attract investment and development - to retain physicians and skilled professionals - then a proactive approach to inclusion is the only way forward.

Vote NO on February 22nd and Stand for Inclusion: A Westlock for All.


Derrick Meyer
Westlock, AB

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