Voter guide translation, distribution
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To help ensure robust engagement in the upcoming election, Boulder Beat is producing a voting guide website in partnership with Firemark Foundry , a two-person local web development team who are, as I am, generously donating their time to this effort.
VoteBoulder.co will go live the first week of October. I will begin disseminating my political coverage in September, via BoulderBeat.news.
Here's what kind of content you can expect:
In-depth candidate profiles: Each profile will include a long-form narrative on the candidate's backgrounds and platforms and:
- Who they've been endorsed by
- "Why you might want to vote for them / Why you might not want to vote for them" sections, with context and rebuttal
- Each candidate's take on ~12 critical local issues
- Links to LTE and op-ed pieces they've penned in local media
Ballot initiative summaries, including:
- Official language plus a layman's term interpretation
- Arguments for and against (and who's arguing)
- Relevant links to past news coverage and other documents
Analysis of major issues (time pending):
- A deep dive into the two sides of the growth and development debate (through the lens of density and housing) with research to support and refute claims
I am aiming to raise $3,500 for to pay for translation of this content into Spanish, and distribution of physical materials into low-income neighborhoods, which often lack adequate internet access.
I am concurrently accepting sponsorships from organizations and businesses to help with these costs. Excess monies from that efforts will fund the cost to produce and host the content. These funds will be used directly for translation and distribution. (I wanted to give ordinary people the opportunity to participate, not just businesses.) Translation costs are somewhat fixed and dependent on content, but print distribution will depend on the amount of money raised.
Thank you for your support!
Shay Castle
Owner, publisher, reporter
Boulder Beat News, LLC
To help ensure robust engagement in the upcoming election, Boulder Beat is producing a voting guide website in partnership with Firemark Foundry , a two-person local web development team who are, as I am, generously donating their time to this effort.
VoteBoulder.co will go live the first week of October. I will begin disseminating my political coverage in September, via BoulderBeat.news.
Here's what kind of content you can expect:
In-depth candidate profiles: Each profile will include a long-form narrative on the candidate's backgrounds and platforms and:
- Who they've been endorsed by
- "Why you might want to vote for them / Why you might not want to vote for them" sections, with context and rebuttal
- Each candidate's take on ~12 critical local issues
- Links to LTE and op-ed pieces they've penned in local media
Ballot initiative summaries, including:
- Official language plus a layman's term interpretation
- Arguments for and against (and who's arguing)
- Relevant links to past news coverage and other documents
Analysis of major issues (time pending):
- A deep dive into the two sides of the growth and development debate (through the lens of density and housing) with research to support and refute claims
I am aiming to raise $3,500 for to pay for translation of this content into Spanish, and distribution of physical materials into low-income neighborhoods, which often lack adequate internet access.
I am concurrently accepting sponsorships from organizations and businesses to help with these costs. Excess monies from that efforts will fund the cost to produce and host the content. These funds will be used directly for translation and distribution. (I wanted to give ordinary people the opportunity to participate, not just businesses.) Translation costs are somewhat fixed and dependent on content, but print distribution will depend on the amount of money raised.
Thank you for your support!
Shay Castle
Owner, publisher, reporter
Boulder Beat News, LLC
Boulder Beat
Boulder, CO