Jackie’s Kidney Transplant
I’ve known Jackie for almost 2 years now. She has always been a hard worker and a very smart caring nurse. She always willing to help, teach, and guide her coworkers. You can count on her to be there when tough situations arise. Even though we work together, many are not aware of her having a serious medical condition as she can be seen a strong energetic presence in our unit. She has endured trials and tribulations.
About 2 weeks ago, her prayers got answered and was informed that she will be receiving a kidney transplant on February 29th!
Here’s her story: Jackie was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus when she was nine years old. SLE is an inflammatory disease where your immune system attacks your own tissue. It can affect your brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, skin... in Jackie’s case, it was attacking her kidneys. A year after being diagnosed, she started dialysis. Her first kidney transplant was when she was 15 years old and it was donated by her mother Sandy. Unfortunately, after 7 years her body rejected the kidney and she was back in dialysis for 3 years. In 2011, her uncle Andy was a match for another kidney transplant. Unfortunately, after 7 years with that kidney, her body rejected it and she went back to dialysis in 2018. She’s been in dialysis ever since.
This is all happening while she’s at UTEP obtaining her FNP education. She recently graduated in December of last year and is now in the works to take her exam and become a Family Nurse Practitioner.
This coming February 29th, she will receive her third kidney transplant from her nina Christine in Los Angeles, California.
Due to the transplant, she will be in California for 3 months in observation and will not be able to work. This is where you guys can help Jackie! Any amount of money would be very much appreciated by Jackie, her family and myself.