365 Photo Fund
Donation protected
I am Atsuko Morita. I am one in a diminishing group of photographers still working with traditional photography. Just as there is a quality difference between music recorded on LP records and music recorded on compressed CDs, just as there is a difference between handmade sweaters and mass-produced, machine-made sweaters, there is a difference between digital photography and film photography. For this reason, keeping traditional photography alive means so much to me.
Fewer and fewer universities are teaching traditional photography. As a result, demand for classic photography is decreasing, many films are being discontinued, and we are losing traditional techniques. I believe that current photography builds off these traditional techniques. To lose touch with these original, analog techniques is to lose touch with our photographic identity.
Digital photography and ink jet printers are important staples of photography, but I believe digital and traditional photography should co-exist, side by side, each complimenting the other. We can't let the original photographic processes die. We can keep film alive by shooting film, exhibiting darkroom prints and teaching traditional photography to the next generation.
I have been producing projects for years using traditional film photography. In addition, I have made my own pinhole cameras (camera obscure) for many of my projects. With the exposed film, I use traditional darkroom techniques to print my photographs. I choose to spend my time and energy photographing and printing this way because the results are beautiful continuous tone color (chromogenic) prints. There is an elegant preciousness to traditional photography because analog mimics life.
I have earned a coveted opportunity to print my latest series, titled 365, in the labs at Rayko Photo Center in San Francisco. I need your help to ready the series for exhibition. This campaign will raise the funds necessary to print, mount, and frame 24 large format (30"x40") prints.
365 is now over two years in the making. Using a pinhole camera I crafted specifically for this project, I have captured one moment from each day in my life. The photos are clustered by month, with a small portion of the negative exposed for each calendar day.
With your support you will both help me finally finish a long, ongoing project and keep traditional photography alive!
Atsuko Morita: Project 365
Atsuko Morita: Project 365 POSTED ON 2016-09-16 - BY ANN JASTRAB

Biography of Atsuko Morita
BORN 1972, Osaka, Japan
2010 Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA, Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
2008 Crown Point Press, San Francisco, CA, Photogravure Workshop
2003 Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto, Japan, Advanced Gelatin Silver Workshop
2015-2016 Photoplace Gallery, Middlebury, VT, Alternative Camera: Pinholes to Plastic, Juried Exhibition
2014 Sue Tallon Photography Studio, San Francisco, CA, Art to Benefit AIDS LIFECYCLE
2013-2014 RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA, Crafted at Rayko, Group Exhibition
2013 RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA, 4th Annual Juried Pinhole Show, Honorable mention
2013 SOMArts Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA, DIAL COLLECT/Residency Exhibition
2012 Nodo Galeria, Tijuana, B.C, Mexico,Nueva Alternativa/EYE 94 Group Exhibition
2012 Book & job Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Dust Mag #3 Exhibition/Group Exhibition
2012 Make Hang Art Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Everything Changes/ Duo Exhibition
2011 Cabrillo Gallery, Aptos, CA, TASTY/ Juried exhibition
2011 Southern Exposure, San Francisco,CA, PROOF/ Juried exhibition
2011 Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA, A Trace of Evidence/EYE94 Group Exhibition
2011 The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO, Food/International juried exhibition
2011 Rayko Photo Center, San Francisco, CA, Open Show #13, Cells/Featured presenter
2011 Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA , Hope/Group Exhibition/Organizer
2011 410 Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Cosmos, Solo Exhibition
2010 Space Gallery, San Francisco, CA , Grain Over Noise/Group Exhibition
2010 SF Camerawork, San Francisco, CA, Roll Call/Group Exhibition
2010 Space Gallery, San Francisco,CA, Communication/EYE94 Group Exhibition
2010 Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA, Annual Spring Show/Honorable mention, portfolio
2010 RayKo Photo Center, San Francisco, CA, 3rd Annual Juried Pinhole Show/Featured artist
2010 79 New Montgomery Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Humanics/Group Exhibition
2009 Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA, Group Salon Exhibition
2009 Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA, Annual Spring show/3rd Place, Portraiture
2008 Rayko Photo Center, San Francisco, CA, 2nd Juried Pinhole Photography/Group Exhibition
2004 Maronie Gallery, Kyoto, Japan, 9th Annual How Are You PHOTOGRAPHY? /Group Exhibition
2002 Ississ Gallery, Kyoto, Japan,7th Annual How Are You PHOTOGRAPHY? /Group Exhibition
2009 Magical Secrets About Chine Colle, Crown Point Press, San Francisco, CA
2010 Roll Call, SF Camerawork, San Francisco, CA
Atsuko Morita
San Francisco, CA