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NOTE: WE HAVE NO SET GOAL OF HOW MUCH WE ARE WANTING TO RAISE. While setting up the page it required me to insert a specific amount for a goal, which we don't have, and we did not expect this much exposure in so little time.

Keyframe/CosmicChrissy is an 18 year old artist, analyst, voice actress and singer in the online Brony Community who has worked with the likes of GoldenFox, Silver Quill, Dr. Wolf, AnY Pony, & Lightning Bliss.

Two days ago, I released a video with my friend Eliyora releasing info about Keyframe's current situation with her consent and it has gotten a very widepsread attention within the online community.

Original #SaveKeyframe Announcement Video

For those that are new to it, for the past 8 years, Keyframe has been living in her Indiana home with a drunken mother who constantly attacks her verbally, physically, and mentally; and an apethetic to verbally abusive father who does nothing to deter the situation and in fact, aids it, by siding with her mother 9 times out of 10. It has become so bad, that her life is literally in danger by staying in her current home due to her mother's constant instability and violence.

On Wednesday May 20th 2015, she was physically assaulted by her mother on yet another drunken rampage while in a casual skype call with friends of hers who all saw what happened via webcam.

Below is a written account from Eliyora who was present in said call at the time, a video from Key's boyfriend GoldenFox sharing the same story as well as past experiences, and AnY sharing his side on this fund and his personal connection with her.

Eliyora's Witness Account Transcript

GoldenFox's Statement on Keyframe

(Warning: Explicit Language)

AnY's Statement on His Connection with Keyframe

As stated in Eli's story, Key's father bailed her mother out of prison two days after the assault, thus it is certain the same events will repeat again and again and get exponentially worse. Keyframe constantly begs her mother to never touch alcohol again, and every single time that promise has been made, it was immediately broken not too soon afterwards, and I do mean EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Key has tried going to battered womens homes and shelters, and she has come up with no results, not even from her local church. And since she turned 18 back in March of this year, she doesn't qualify for CPS.

She is waiting for a response from a University in California to reply to her application and is not certain she will be able to leave after she graduates on Saturday May 30th. That's why I created this page to help her be able to move out to Cali and start living a new life in safety and be around her own personal network of people who live there.

By technical standpoints, this fund started on Thursday May 28th with a PayPal donation link and Key has recieved a good amount through that over the past 2 days. But after getting comments and messages from people about the link freezing and such, we decided to direct all donations to here where it will be more secure, and the total amount of money received through PayPal will eventually be added here.

All money donated will go directly to Chrissy and go towards a down payment on an apartment, transportation, food and other major necessities. Please help us save a dear friend of ours before it's too late.


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William Patterson
Camarillo, CA
Christine Buccola

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