Light up the Visitacion Valley Greenway
Donation protected
The Visitacion Valley Light Festival brings illuminated interactive art from local artists to the Visitacion Valley Greenway, a gem of San Francisco's parks in a historically underserved neighborhood.
The event also features live music, local history presentations, and outreach from SFFD, SFMTA, CHP, and other organizations.
VVLF is part of a larger effort to create community and promote local business on the Leland Avenue commercial corridor and throughout the Valley.
Last year's event boasted over 20 works by local artists, 700+ attendees, a demonstration crosswalk by SFMTA, three-piece live jazz band, and more fun surprises.
This year we want to bring more art and hold the event over two nights, enabling artists to bring more intricate work and expanding access for the community to enjoy the event.
VVLF's setting is the Visitacion Valley Greenway, a series of adjacent parks rising up the valley. It is a link in the Crosstown Trail, which has brought people from all over the world to the neighborhood. VVLF will illuminate the four southern parks in a free, family-friendly public event:
Hans Schiller Plaza: Gateway to the Greenway from Leland Avenue, next to popular café Mission Blue and other local businesses. Lawns for picnics and a performance stage with seating.
Community Garden: greenhouses and gardening plots for local residents and youth programs, alongside a lushly canopied walking path
Herb Garden: Patio areas, terraced herb garden, beautiful lookout with views of San Bruno Mountain
Children’s Play Garden: Popular local playground, lawn area for dog walks and picnics, forested area
VVLF seeks funding for permits, a safe and reusable pathway lighting system, a generator-free power grid, and overnight security to enable a multi-night event.
Funds will also go towards:
- infrastructure to make the event safe at night, especially crossing the streets to get to the different parks in the chain of the Greenway
- transportation of art to and from the event
- POWER to light up the art pieces
- Most importantly, we feel the need to provide an honorarium to the artists who are willing to make and share their art with the community. Art is one piece of what makes San Francisco such a wonderful place to live and raise a family. Please help us support our local artists.
We've applied for grants and tapped into local art funds, but it isn't enough. Please help us fill our funding gap.
Grant Patterson
San Francisco, CA