I have been delivering food packages to those in our community who are in need.(Over 500 households delivered to in first week & to date over 3350 households have recieved). I started this with around 3k of my own money and have input funds ever since. Food packages are for those in food poverty, struggling financially, on furlough and similar emergency situations. I have also been topping up electric + gas for those in emergency situations. I am in contact with food banks, supermarkets & various other organisations to ensure there is no food wasted.
Food packages include a mixture of fresh fruit and vegetables, tinned foods, pasta, rice , toiletries, cleaning products and other essentials. I want to ensure that the food in these packages are healthy and what we would all wish to eat, not just peoples unwanted items.
Over 3350 households have recieved food packages. This has been funded by myself alongside this fundrasier to keep it going as long as possible.If you are in a positon to donate anything please do!
Funding will be used buy food, to create more packages and ensure no one has to go hungry, any building costs or those associated with the project! All volunteers do so for free, those delivering do not recieve any finances for doing so. In the long term I hope funding will allow me to open a hub where people can come and collect food and where more food can be stored. I want to continue hosting more educational workshops on finance and budgeting with those in our community to change their life situations for the long term.
Those in emergency situations are also be able to access and small top up of electircy/gas to keep their house warm and functional.
Food poverty is real and going on behind closed doors. Please do not suffer in silence.
If you know anyone struggling just message me! https://www.facebook.com/groups/702016074038325/?ref=share
* I am raising funds for this project personally as I started it with my own money - not for a charity or as a charity representative* I am currently exploring long term options for a CIC, chairty or other options. This is dependant on how the project goes.* (the process is long so please be patient)