Online Opata Library Period Nov 2020-2021
Online Opata Library
The money raised will go toward funding for the first year of the E-Book platform service $249.00 (for each 5 GB of storage) + $139 Basic Pro package that will host and control the lending service of this online library especially for those books which are limited in the times and time in which they can be lent to the reader. If we can cover more than a year, it will be much appreciated. We do hope to reach our goal before Dec 30th, 2020.
-$389 was raised and utilized for the period Nov 2019-2020.
To serve, enrich, and enhance the lives of the Opata Nation members (Tegüimas, Tegüis, Eudeve, Heve, Dohema, Jova, and Caüinachis).
The mission of Opata Library is to be a place that promotes and preserves Opata knowledge and culture, inspires community members to continuously achieve higher levels of education, and enhances personal/community development to enrich and improve the quality of life for all Opata people.
Opata Library goal
To promote the Opata Cultural Awareness and provide access to electronic resources, such as books, magazines, pictures, audio, videos, newspapers, and computer/internet access primarily related to the Opata Indigenous people from the Mexican State of Sonora, the U.S. state of Arizona, and the Opata diaspora around the world with an Indigenous Approach. With this repository, we will try to guarantee one point of access to all Opata documents ever written and published in one place with an Indigenous Approach through purchase and digital preservation, while honoring the rights of creators and expanding their online reach.
We will work with worldwide libraries and organizations to serve the Opata people, the Opata diaspora around the world, chroniclers, historians, independent researchers, and writers by building the online equivalent of an Indigenous public library/Tribal Library.
[+] Who is the Opata people?
We are Indigenous Community formed of the families Tegüima, Tegüi, Eudeve, Caüinachi, and Jova, collectively known as the Opata Indians of the Sonora-Chihuahua-Arizona regions; known today as Southeast Arizona next to the Apaches, to the Northwest of Sonora bordering the Tohono O'odham and Akimel O'otham (Pima), to the South-Central of Sonora with the O'ob (Pima Bajo), Tepehuanes and Yoeme (Yaqui), to the Southwest with Yoreme (Mayo) and Macurawe (Guarijíos) and to the Northeast of Sonora / Northwest of Chihuahua with Rarámuri (Tarahumara). http://opatanation.org/about.
[+] What will be our Indigenous Approach measures?
This Opata library is using an adapted version of the Brian Deer Classification System, a cataloging system created in 1974 by Deer, a librarian from Kahnawake Mohawk. The system incorporates indigenous perspectives when classifying books. Deer designed his classification system while working in the National Indian Brotherhood library from 1974 to 1976. Instead of using a standard library classification scheme, he created a new system to organize the library's historical research materials and documents. He then went to work at the Cultural Center in Kahnawake and at the Kahnawake branch of the Mohawk Nation Office, creating new schemes for his collections.
The systems that Deer created were designed specifically for the materials in each collection according to the concerns of the local indigenous peoples at that time; For example, the categories include land claims, treaty rights, resource management and stories of the elderly. Although the Brian Deer Classification System was not created as a universal classification solution for indigenous resources, it has provided a basis for specialized libraries like our measures:
-Tagging the collection by Indigenous People’s geographic location.
-Using in the real names of the Native American nations and not the Westernized labels.
-Including other categories, such as “Land claims”, “Treaty Rights”, “Resource management”, “Elders’ stories” and “Opata articles”
[+] How do I gain access?
Request to be registered for an online reader account, wait for the approval notice, log in from anywhere, and learn. Visit: http://opatanation.org/library
[+] What platform are you using?
[+] Do you have enough material to initiate with the online library?
We already have more than 100 documents regarding the Opata people, and we are in the process of getting permission to host some of them in the online library.
[+] Are you planning to profit from access to the books?
No, this is a free access library after registration approval.
[+] How are you protecting the material?
The registration is intending to protect the access to the material without the option to download it unless the publisher of the material grants the permission. Also, the E-book hosting plan from librarika honors copyright and DRM protection law.
[+] Will the registered users be able to download or print the available materials?
This will depend on a case-by-case basis and taking into account the Fair Use doctrine. All materials that we are able to make available for downloading and printing we will do so.
-Most books published prior to 1923 should be available for download, but there could be some exceptions.
-Books published after 1923 will be available to be borrowed (print disabled and not available for download) through our platform as soon as we acquire a physical copy or partner up with Institutions or Universities.
-For other books, like any library, if available, any member will be able to request printed copies of specific pages.
[+] What is digital preservation?
It is a doctrine of Fair Use to make digital copies of collection items that are likely to deteriorate or that exist only in difficult-to-access formats, for purposes of preservation, and to make those copies available as surrogates for fragile or otherwise inaccessible materials. Limitations:
-Due to funding limitations, preservation copies will not be made when a fully equivalent digital copy is commercially available at a reasonable cost.
-Due to copyright restrictions, on certain books, this library will have one electronic copy per physical copy of a book/material in storage (one electronic lend of a book at a time, as it does occur in any traditional library).
-Off-premises access to preservation copies circulated as substitutes for original copies will be limited to authenticated members of the library's patron community, e.g., students, faculty, staff, affiliated scholars, and other accredited users.
[+] What are the other reasons for choosing the librarika platform?
-Cost-effective -Faster deployment.
-World wide access.
-Simple and User-friendly.
-Multiple language support.
-Unlimited members.
-Built-in OPAC
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