Save Syrian Refugees Now!
For too long I have preached only of the atrocities and horrors that have been plauging the Syrian and Iraqi people. Yesterday after witnessing the soulless body of Gods most innocent, a 3-year-old named Aylan Kurdi wash up on a Turkish shore I was brought to tears. This poor boy and most of his family lost their lives while trying to seek refuge and help. It is here I realized words alone are not enough and will not do! This isn't an Asian, White, or Black tragedy. This isn't Muslim, Christian, Hindu, or Jewish tragedy. This is a HUMAN TRADGEY!
I ask all my friends to please help me raise funds for the millions more like Aylan Kurdi that still need our help. No amount is too little and 100% of all donations will go to help save our Lords most helpless. If for whatever personal reason you are unable to help donate please share this link. I will personally start off this fund by donating $500.00 myself.
Just for a moment close your eyes and imagine that this was your son, your brother, your nephew, or your dearest friend, would you not help?!!I'd like to leave you all with two quotes when pondering these events surrounding us today...Thank you and God Bless
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
-Albert Einstein
Those who are silent while others are oppressed are guilty of the oppression themselves.
-Imam Hussian Ibn Ali