Peyton’s Journey with PFFD
Donation protected
Let me introduce ourselves. My name is Kristie. I am married to Tyler and we have 2 of the sweetest daughters, Amelia (4) and Peyton (1).
At my 20 week anatomy scan with Peyton, we learned that her femur was shorter than the left. At birth, her left leg was 19.5 inches and her right was 17.5 inches.
We met with an orthopedic surgeon in Fargo a few times before being referred to a leg reconstruction specialist in the cities.
We made a trip to the cities to meet with 2 different specialists and got the same solution from both.
Things we learned:
* Peyton has PFFD (Proximal Focal Femoral Deficiency). It is a completely isolated condition and not genetic.
* Her ankle is not fully formed.
* Her hip socket is shallow (which we knew about). They would like to do an MRI in a few months to see if she will need surgery to fix that issue.
We technically have 2 options. But one of those options would put her through a dozen or more surgeries and very long stays in the hospital. That’s just not the life we want our child to live. Instead we will be going through with the option that both specialists highly recommend. This decision did not come easily.
This fall Peyton will undergo surgery to have her right foot amputated and knee arthrodesis (they will fuse her leg bones to her knee to act as her thigh). After having some time to heal, she will be fit for an above knee prosthetic.
We appreciate any donations or kind words as we help Peyton through this process, help Amelia understand what is going on with her baby sister and process everything ourselves.
We will be using any donations towards Peyton’s medical bills, along with our other utilities, as my husband is our sole provider and will need to take time off of work to be with us at the hospital.
We will continue to update this page as this happen.

Kristie Fandrich
Fargo, ND