Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

CUPON Legal Advisory and Outreach

Spende geschützt
Citizens United to Protect Our Neighborhoods – Rockland NY Community

There are several new developments planned in our area that exceed current legal zoning and safety laws that we intend to address through community activism and legal action.

Our mission is:

To hold our planning and zoning boards accountable for the safety of all our citizens by ensuring that they follow the laws as set forth by local, state and federal governments; and to meet zoning codes and standards for the building of our very diverse community, as described in the Master Plan.

Visit us on  Facebook at:                 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Citizens-United-to-Protect-Our-Neighborhoods/903475749675033?ref=hl

Follow us on Twitter at:                  https://twitter.com/cuponrockland

We are seeking to raise funds for the legal, advisory and community outreach/activism expenses associated with our Mission.


Cupon Rockland
Spring Valley, NY

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