Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

(FALLEN SOLDIER) Dillon Baldridge

Donativo protegido

***All Donations are Collected By Dillon's Father : Christopher Baldridge ***

"Corporal Dillon Christopher Baldridge" A True Hero... 22yrs old Stationed out of Fort Campbell Kentucky....was over seas in Afghanistan Fighting for Our Country and Freedom when an Afghan Soldier turned his gun on our guys ...needless to say 3 died and one was critically injured and Dillon was the Amongst Killed In The Line Of Action! He has left behind his Parents and Siblings..Father and Step Mother.. Christopher and Jessie Baldridge /Mother.. Tina Palmer, 3 Brothers.. Zach Palmer, Ethan and Lucas Baldridge....2 Sisters.. Isabella Palmer and Shelby Baldridge ...due to this tragidy beyond anyones control ..we're trying to raise a collection for them to use for various different things for they will be outta work trying to get this all situated and also be able to Grieve at this time ...please help this wonderful family.....Any thing at all helps.....Thanks In Advance and God Bless You All!!



  • Anónimo
    • $20
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

MeMe Walston
Spring Hope, NC
Christopher & Jessie Baldridge

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