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Thank you for all of your support and prayers. You have all helped us have strength and allowed us to pursue every option possible; however, we have decided that we cannot allow Guido to continue to live an unpleasant life. He has suffered urine burn and rubbing soars as well as increased anxiety while receiving therapy. Guido has also had difficulty overcoming his most recent bout of diarrhea and has lost @ 10 lbs (bringing his total weight loss since surgery to @ 24 lbs) As much as we hate to make this choice, knowing he is suffering makes this the choice we must make. Our boy will be happy running free once again. Guido will go peacefully outside in the sun where he enjoys to be. Please support us in our difficult decision and respect our choice as our hearts are breaking repeatedly. Thank you.

*He walked in for surgery, could not walk out**
This is a final chance plea to help Guido. I am having a difficult time caring for Guido. I recently posted an update explaining that I am looking to rehome Guido in order to prevent him from being put down due to my current inability to give him the care he needs and deserves. HOWEVER, I am asking for one more burst of donations to try to keep Guido here at home.
There is a intensive rehabilitation center located in New York near Rochester that could really benefit Guido and make all the difference in the world. But, it is another expensive endeavor. I am willing to try this and believe it could truly help Guido and I move forward together. So please help us achieve this and give Guido the best chance which he truly deserves. Every little bit helps and a little from many adds up quickly. Thank very very much for all of your support.

Below is the previous campaign description:
Hi everyone! Guido is currently going through physical therapy twice a week in hopes of regaining movement in his rear legs. He has definitely shown some improvement though it has been a slow process. We anticipate his recovery to need physical therapy daily within the home as well as once (minimally) to twice (ideally) a week outside the home where his physical therapist utilizes not only physical exercise, but electro therapy, lazer treatments, and an underwater treadmill. Guido's physical therapy will cost $300-$600 a month. I am asking for any donations possible to ensure Guido is able to receive this necessary treatment in order to improve his recovery. Guido has recieved a canine cart to utilize as part of his physical therapy and for assistance in his daily living. Thank you for such a generous donation. This has alleviated $550 in expenses for us. Your generosity is to be commended and truly appreciated. This cart has already eased some of the load on me when I take Guido outside to go potty. He still isn't too sure of the cart, but with time I believe he will adjust.
Following is Guido's story:
Guido is my (almost) 5 year old ISSR Shiloh Shepherd. He recently sustained an injury to his spine and required surgery.  He is being treated at PVS-EC in Pittsburgh, PA.  It cost @ $3000 in diagnosing his injury (initial vet appointment, specialist appointment- neurologist, MRI, etc.). It was found that his spinal cord was being pinched and his back end was not "getting messages". Guido ha some pain, minimal coordination in his back end, and required surgery on May 27th, 2015 to correct this issue. The surgery and 3 days in hospital care was estimated @ $3500.  Unfortunately, after surgery Guido lost all motor in his hind end and only had minimal deep pain sensation and reflexes.  With no change by Monday June 1st, the neurologist recommended an ultrasound to look for fluid build up or blood clots which may have been causing the set-back.  The ultrasound showed a hematoma which required Guido to undergo another surgical procedure to flush out the area and remove the large blood clot.  Here it is Thursday June 4th and Guido will finally be discharged home tomorrow Friday June 5th.  He has a 50% chance of recovering sensation in his hind end during the next 4 weeks, however, if it is not regained then he will likely stay paralyzed.  I purchased materials today and built a ramp to have easier access when taking Guido outside/inside.  While I pray that Guido will fully recover, I am faced with the fact that this may not happen.  Therefore, I have been looking into canine carts/wheelchairs at, adding another $450-$500 in costs.  This is why I am starting a gofundme.
My entire family is heart-broken. I am trying to take this one step at a time. I am reaching out to you- my friends, my family, dog lovers, animal lovers, anyone willing to help. Any monetary donation toward his care is greatly appreciated.  I want to thank everyone in advance! (Prayers are also sought and greatly appreciated)

A breakdown of expenses:
In addition to the initial $3000 in his diagnosis, we had accumulated another $5400 in veterinary costs as of Wednesday morning (June 3rd).  This amount does not include any charges for Wednesday, Thursday (today), or Friday (discharge day) which is estimated at $300 per day.  The ramp was a minimal expense of $85.  A canine cart/wheelchair will add an additional $450-$500.  This brings Guido's expenses to @ $10,000.


  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Kristy Iusi
Leechburg, PA

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