Waasaanoonde Mawkoons & family healing walk
me and my family will be on a healing walk from serpent river First Nation where my partner and youngest son are from, to Bannock Point, Manitoba. Roughly 3 1/2 month journey with my children and partner.
As I Walked my own healing journey I have come to realize how much Indigenous people have faced and carried through this physical life.Many of our families suffer from what they call “Historical Trauma”, many of our women/girls, men and two spirit have gone missing or have been murdered, so many families still carry the burden of colonialism in our lives.
many impacted by drug abuse, alcoholism, sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Here is where my vision comes in.
late November I had a dream of an older women, who had a birth mark on her cheek. It wasnt until awhile later that I figured out who she was. Late water walker grandmother Josephine mandamin baa. I was worried about the water and she told me not to worry, someone else will take care of it and walk for it, I said okay. But then I questioned why she came and visited, she smiled so softly “you are special, and you will have a different job but just as important” she then showed me a dress. What the ojibwes call a “healing dress” it flowed red with yellow lines on the chest then all I could hear were the cries and screams of women, girls, men and two spirit. Those cries echoed and echoed and my heart began to sink, it hurt beyond words.
I woke up and knew exactly what I had to do.
I began working on this dress collecting old pop cans to then shaped into cones, each cone with a special name on it, representing the ones who were taken from us, the missing and murdered. 5 months have gone by and the dress is now complete. I spent many days and nights working on it with my partner. For his support I amforever grateful, for his love and protection, my heart is filled.
This healing walk across Ontario is for the families, for the people. The ones still stuck in a cycle of hurt, pain, and sorrow. I lend my strength to those who cannot carry themselves. I will walk with my family and make offerings for those affected by the historical trauma that was brought upon us, sing and pray to the water, tothe land, to the air and to the ancestors. Without them, I would not have the strength I do, without them, I would not know what my next steps were.
*camping supplies were purchased, these cost will cover food, water, and in case of emergency hotel expenses, and gas cost*
nahow, miigwetch.
waasaanoonde Mawkoons and family ❤️
****walk will continue every spring- for as long as Iam told to do. Due to unforeseen circumstances with family matters we are officially done walking until next spring 2022 starting from ourlast stop in Pic River First Nation****
donations will continue to be received and putinto a separate savings account so that we may be prepared come spring.