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Kris Wagner Fund

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Our beautiful friend, Kris, suffered an unexpected and very serious heart attack in January 2017. Whether you've known Kris for 30 years or only one year, she undoubtedly holds a special place in your heart. While she is still under intensive care, we are hopeful for a full recovery.

That recovery will require significant support and we want to ensure Kris and her girls have a reprieve from financial worries during this time. She will be seriously annoyed at us for doing this but your love and support will be so greatly appreciated!

Go Fund Me is asking for a bit more info about me and Lyne and the plans we have for the funds raised during this campaign - so here it is:  I'm Keltie - Kris & I have been friends since the 90's in Calgary when we both worked for the Mission Bridge Brewing Company and, as fate would have it, we both work for the same organization now: the Nature Conservancy of Canada.  Kris always brings out my best self and reminds me of the good in the world.  Lyne and Kris have been friends since their days at Ryerson in Toronto - they've traveled all over the world together and have always been there for each other regardless of geography.

The funds raised during this campaign will be used for day to day bills and for other expenses related to her ongoing care, rehabilitation and full recovery.  We are in the process of setting up a separate bank account for these funds and they will be accessed by her daughters and Kris, of course, when she is able.


  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 7 yrs


KeltieManolakas LyneWagner
Downtown Toronto, ON

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